Case Studies


Mr. Sarwono is a key executive in several diversified businesses and a successful investor in leveraged trading in global equities. He resides in Indonesia and is a frequent traveller and spends much of his time in other countries. He is also a caring husband to his wife of 20 years and has three teenage children. He is concerned and aware that his businesses and financial investments may fluctuate and wants to provide a security for his family, in the event that he meets with an untimely accident. He would like to obtain a structure that will provide a guaranteed leveraged return relative to his outlay.


Mr. Wong's primary business in Taiwan as a semi conductor manufacturer has amassed him great wealth over the last 15 years. As a result he had to sign significant personal guarantees  when  securing  corporate  loans for construction of his manufacturing plants. He needed a solution that could help reduce his borrowing costs and to protect his business partners and family in the event something should happen to him.


Mr. Da Silva is the founder and owner of an extremely successful supermarket chain store business in Brazil that has grown exponentially over the last 30 years. He has three adult children. His eldest son lives in Rio de Janeiro with his own family and is currently the chief executive officer earmarked to inherit the company upon his father's death. The second son is a successful senior civil engineer working with a multinational firm and living in Portugal with his wife and two young children. The youngest daughter lives in Italy and is a designer with a prestigious fashion house. The family members receive a substantial income from the business which provides them a very comfortable life.

There is a growing concern that the eldest son's aggressive expansion plans may affect the conservative nature and previous business model adapted by the patriarch, resulting in a potential reduction of their income. Mrs. Da Silva and her two children are concerned about their financial future, as is Mr. Da Silva, should the expansion plans fail.

The patriarch is interested in implementing a multi-jurisdictional plan that would facilitate the transfer, as intended, of the business to his eldest son, whilst equitably providing financial security for his wife and his two other children.


Mr. Lee has built up a reputable garment manufacturing business in Hong Kong and China over the last 25 years. The business is fully invested and is also leveraged. He has three sons, two of which are directly involved in the family business while the youngest son is pursuing a career as a surgeon and is not interested in the business. It is Mr. Lee's wish to transfer the business equally to his three sons, upon his demise. Mr. Lee is aware of a possible conflict amongst his sons and wants to avoid this. Liquidity planning is a high priority for Mr. Lee to assist his two sons in continuing to grow the business whilst equalising the intended transfer of the equal share of the company to the youngest son.


Mr. and Mrs. Shah own a successful privately owned business in India and are also actively involved in their favourite charities. They wish to ensure that these charities will continue to be financially protected and funded beyond their life time.


Mr. and Mrs. Santos run a restaurant franchise in the Philippines that is a house-hold name. They do not believe in loans and have no debts, either in business or personal. Whilst having several private bank accounts their investment tolerance is very low and favour conservative portfolios. They would like to obtain a structure that will provide a conservative return, act as a hedge to their other investments and be able to augment their retirement income.
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